

Best Treatment Options For Different Skin Conditions

Most of us struggle with skin imperfections of some kind, like scarring or pimples, but skin conditions can leave us feeling self-conscious and insecure.


Sometimes it can feel like there’s no end in sight, but the good news is that many skin conditions are manageable and respond well to treatment — as long as you know which one you need.


That’s where Chantal Louise Skin Therapy comes in 😉 We’re able to treat a wide range of skin conditions.


Let’s run through a few different skin conditions and the different treatments available for them.

Acne Treatment

When treating acne, it comes down to the severity of acne and the treatment plan really needs to be personalised to the client.


A skin consultation is always the best place to start for acne, so that we can determine the type of acne you have and figure out the cause of your acne, as well as look further into the underlying layers with our skin analysis machine to see the amount of oil flow and whether it is healthy or unhealthy oil.


There are 4 grades of acne:

Grade 1:

Blackheads and congested skin with a rough, bumpy texture. Mainly caused by insufficient general cleansing of skin and/or combination of comedogenic ingredients like makeup on the skin. 

Grade 2:

Similar to grade 1 acne however pimples are present. This will indicate that acne bacteria has been formed causing the pimples. The first step is to kill bacteria and ensure that exfoliation is part of the homecare to prevent future clogging.

Grade 3:

Similar to grade 2 however this grade of acne has whiteheads. A whitehead indicates that the white blood cells are coming to the infected area (pimple) to kill off infection hence the white pus.

Grade 4:

When cysts or nodules are present. This is often the most painful acne grade and it means the infection is sitting very deep in the skin. Often these clients will have scarring due to the depth of the infection. Taking a very gentle and careful approach with this skin, a course of LED light therapy is best used in the beginning to kill bacteria followed by plans of treating the scarring.

When treating acne a range of treatments can be performed from peels, LED Light therapy, dermapen skin needling, ultrasonic extractions and the list goes on.


It’s extremely important that your treatment plan is personalized to your skin and grade of acne for best results and to avoid unnecessary use of certain treatments that will only cause irritation and aggravation in your skin.

Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Uneven pigmentation can have us reaching for the foundation and concealer. However, there are ways to treat this condition from the inside out, rather than just covering it up.


Chantal Louise Skin Therapy offers a Bye Bye Pigment treatment package that uses Cosmelan, the #1 depigmentation treatment in the world!, to alleviate pigmentation. This treatment package can be used to remove freckles, melasma, post-baby pigment, hormonal pigment, and sun damage. 

You can expect a 90% or more reduction in pigmentation in less than two months.

Other options for pigmentation are our pigmentation O Cosmedic There you glow treatments where we utilise a range of different peels that target and break down the pigment.

Or another option would be the dermapen skin needling with mesotherapy combined to again break down pigmentation and enhance the overall appearance of your skin.

Of course with any pigmentation treatment, we would always need to see you for a consultation first to ensure your skin is prepped and ready for this treatment along with ensuring there are no contraindications and that it’s the right treatment for you and your skin.

Blackheads Treatment

Blackheads are another common skin ailment. They’re caused when dead skin cells and oil get stuck in your pores, causing a blockage. While generally not painful, they can make you feel insecure or unhappy with your complexion.

Skin therapist performing a deep cleansing facial with an ultrasonic device

Our Detoxifying deep cleanse treatment is a non-invasive treatment where we use ultrasonic device that uses sound waves to shake and remove blackheads for a smoother, clearer complexion.


Again, there is an option to add on a skin peel to help give the skin a deep exfoliation and clean to prevent future blackheads from appearing.


Let your therapist guide you with the best option for your skin.

Eczema, Psoriasis & Dermatitis Treatment

Eczema, Psoriasis and Dermatitis can be uncomfortable, leaving your skin red and inflamed.


Thankfully, there are treatments available that can work to alleviate your discomfort and redness.

Our Light Me Up treatment or course of LED expresses is perfect for those with Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis. The light works to heal the skin from a deep level to rehydrate and soothe skin. The best news is that even after you leave, the light is in your skin working it’s magic for you!

Dryness & Dehydration Treatment

Skin dryness and dehydration can get worse during the winter months, particularly on dry days. If you find yourself suffering from dull, dehydrated skin, we have a few treatment options to breathe life back into it.


Doing something like our Lymphatic skin detox, There you glow or Hello new skin cells will really help to rehydrate and give your skin that drink of water it desperately needs!


Again, let your therapist guide you with the best option for your skin.

Back Acne Treatment

Back acne – affectionately named backne – is a skin ailment that can have us feeling nervous to wear that strapless dress or new bikini. Backne shouldn’t control your life (or your wardrobe, for that matter).


The Backne Be Gone treatment we provide begins with a deep cleanse before moving on to a thorough back scrub and a special peel to unclog and decongest the pores on your back before completing manual extractions, purifying mask and a unique oil-free back massage.

Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a skin condition that can cause redness, itching, and visible blood vessels in the face.

Like acne, we would strongly suggest a skin consultation for rosacea skin types as it’s important we personalise the treatment plan for you and your skin.


LED Light therapy works amazingly for this skin and especially when done in a course over 6 weeks for maximised results. Using the medical grade near infrared light will penetrate to the deeper layer helping to heal and strengthen capillaries whilst reducing redness in the skin.

The Cool, Calm & Collected treatment is a sensitive facial that’s designed to calm, hydrate, and strengthen skin immunity. The combination of cooling towels and calming masks with lots of strengthening and repairing ingredients helps get your skin back on track.


At Chantal Louise Skin Therapy, we can help alleviate Roasacea redness and swelling with our Light Me Up treatment. The Dermalux LED re-energises skin by penetrating through different layers. The sensation of being under the light is relaxing, gentle, and heavenly on the skin.

Whether you’re struggling with acne, pigmentation, dryness, Rosacea, or something else, our skin therapists are here to support you on your journey to clearer, glowing skin. 


Want to find out more about how we can help your skin look its best? Book your 1-on-1 skin consultation with our highly-trained skin therapists. We’ll use our advanced skin analysis machine to show you exactly what’s happening beneath the surface. 


During this session, we’ll also take a look at your lifestyle, give you some skincare tips and tricks and provide a personalised treatment plan, including medical-grade skincare prescriptions, to help you achieve your skin goals.

If you're new to Chantal Louise Skin Therapy, we recommend you book the skin consultation first. This will allow your skin therapist to help guide you with the best options for your skin. Pssst. Get a $30 voucher to use for your initial consultation.