
My Love, My Passion, My Life

Where it all started…

I first became obsessed with skin when I was about 15. I was getting breakouts and had heard the pill makes your skin so beautiful and healthy. I went to the doctor and clearly remember asking for this specific pill that gives you flawless skin.

I wanted healthy glowing clear skin just like my friends and I absolutely LOVED the effects it had on my skin.

It was only when I realised the pill does’t agree with me, that I went off it and my skin starting breaking out.

I felt ugly, depressed and avoided leaving the house so that I could hide away at home without makeup on and let my skin breathe.

I even remember being one of those girls, who would sleep with makeup on afraid my boyfriend would see my REAL skin. I’d wake up in the morning and retouch my makeup over the top of the makeup I’d slept in. 

If only I could talk to myself now…

Chantal wearing black shirt

A couple years later, I started beauty college and was obsessed with skin care. Mainly because I was looking to solve my own skin issues.

I remember one of the teachers along with fellow students analysing my skin and feeling so ashamed and embarrassed.

No ones advice, skincare and treatments were helping my skin. I was so DESPERATE.

I went through a faze of going on and off the pill, because it was the only thing that helped my skin. One day, I had enough of the reactions the pill was having on my body that I decided to never go back on it again.

The Passion...

I was determined to manage my skin and if no one could help me, I would find out myself.

So to do that I attended many training sessions on skin and product knowledge. Along the way I learnt so much and became obsessed. 

I started to do my own research on ingredients and eliminated all the BAD products from my cupboards.

What helped me...

In terms of treatments, for me, what saved me, was skin needling. This was a new treatment at the time, where needling rollers were used. The rollers were much more aggressive and sore than what needling is today.

After just 3 treatments and the right skin care at home, my skin was CLEARED!

My passion for skin has never died. I know the feeling it creates not only on the outside but more importantly on the INSIDE. I get so excited about skin results and feel like I was BORN to do this.


I’m fulfilling my dream and being able to help others achieve healthy, beautiful, clear skin like I have today I’ve never been so happy and felt so fulfilled.

Honestly, the best part of my job is being able to transform a shy, nervous, scared, closed person into an open, happy, bright and confident butterfly.

I help you to understand how your skin works and give you honest options of how to manage and create a healthier skin (even if I can’t treat it with what I offer)

Skin results takes work and commitment from both the therapist and the client. Each skin is different and results can depend on what’s going on internally.

With my help and your commitment, together we can change your skin and your LIFE!

BOOK ONLINE for a “Skin Consultation” for a personalised treatment plan and Consultation to start your skin journey and to bring back the REAL YOU!

If you're new to Chantal Louise Skin Therapy, we recommend you book the skin consultation first. This will allow your skin therapist to help guide you with the best options for your skin. Pssst. Get a $30 voucher to use for your initial consultation.